Breed Traits & Characteristics
- Apricot - 002 - ✅
- Black - 007 - ✅
- Blue - 037 - ✅
- Brown - 061 - ✅
- Cream - 076 - ✅
- Red - 140 - ✅
- Silver - 176 - ✅
- Silver Beige - 183 -✅
- White - 199 - ✅
- Cafe Au Lait - 069 - ✅
- Gray - 100 - ✅
- Black & Cream - 010
- Black & Gray - 012
- Black & Silver - 016
- Black & White - 019
- Blue & White - 045
- Brown & Apricot - 247
- Brown & White - 063
- Black & Apricot - 246
- Cream & White - 077
- Black & Brown - 009
- Gray & White - 105
- Red & Apricot - 157
- Red & White - 146
- White & Apricot - 200
- White & Silver - 216
- Black & Tan - 018
- Black Mask - 004
- Black Points - 019
- White Markings -019
- White Mask - 015
Most Poodles live long, happy, healthy lives thanks to the efforts of dedicated, responsible breeders who routinely test all breeding stock for health issues such as hip dysplasia, eye disorders, epilepsy, sebaceous adenitis, von Willebrand's disease, and immune-mediated disorders. Two orthopedic problems, Legg-Calve-Perthes and luxating patellas, are more likely to occur in Toy and Miniature Poodles than in Standards. The Standard variety is more at risk for gastric dilatation with volvulus (bloat) and sebaceous adenitis.
Recommended Health Tests From the National Breed Club:
- Patella Evaluation
- Hip Evaluation
- Ophthalmologist Evaluation
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Rod-Cone Dysplasia 4 (PRA-rcd4) - DNA Test
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy, PRCD (PRA-prcd, PRCD) - DNA Test
- Von Willebrand Disease I (VWDI) - DNA Test
Recommended Health Tests From the National Breed Club:
Patella Evaluation
Cardiac Exam
Ophthalmologist Evaluation
Unless you plan to keep your Poodle clipped in a short trim, you will need to learn how to brush him daily to keep his coat from matting. If you do not brush and comb a full-coated Poodle completely to the skin, the hair will mat near the roots and will have to be shaved off to start all over with new growth. Most pet owners opt to keep the Poodle in a shorter trim. Some owners learn to do this clipping and trimming themselves, while others choose to take their dog to a professional dog groomer every four to six weeks for a bath, grooming, and nail trim. The breed's relatively non-shedding coat makes the breed a good choice for people with allergies.
Poodles of any size are very active dogs who require good exercise every day to suit their high energy level. Poodles are eager for all kinds of activity, and they enjoy keeping busy. Swimming is great exercise for them, and most Poodles love to get in the water. Bred as hunting dogs, their impulse is to retrieve, so tossing toys, sticks, or balls for them will exercise both their mind and body. They also thrive on going for jogs or long walks with their human.
Poodles are extremely intelligent and are easily trained. They are agile and graceful as well as smart, and they enjoy and excel in a variety of canine sports, including agility, obedience, and tracking. They are excellent water retrievers and also compete in dock diving and retriever hunt tests. Poodles are very people oriented, and if your training routines are fun and positive, they are quick to please you. Just be sure that you are being consistent with what you ask.
No matter which size Poodle has stolen your heart, he should do well on a high-quality dog food, whether commercially manufactured or home-prepared with your veterinarian's supervision and approval. Any diet should be appropriate to the dog's age (puppy, adult, or senior). Some dogs are prone to getting overweight, so watch your dog's calorie consumption and weight level. Treats can be an important aid in training, but giving too many can cause obesity. Learn about which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. Check with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog's weight or diet. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times.

Whether Standard, Miniature, or Toy, and either black, white, or apricot, the Poodle stands proudly among dogdom's true aristocrats. Beneath the curly, hypoallergenic coat is an elegant athlete and companion for all reasons and seasons.
Male |
Male |
Male |
Female |
Female |
Female |
Poodles come in three size varieties: Standards should be more than 15 inches tall at the shoulder; Miniatures are 15 inches or under; Toys stand no more than 10 inches. All three varieties have the same build and proportions. At dog shows, Poodles are usually seen in the elaborate Continental clip. Most pet owners prefer the simpler Sporting clip, in which the coat is shorn to follow the outline of the squarely built, smoothly muscled body. Forget any preconceived notions about Poodles you may have: Poodles are eager, athletic, and wickedly smart dogs of remarkable versatility. The Standard, with his greater size and strength, is the best all-around athlete of the family, but all Poodles can be trained with great success.
What To Expect When Caring For a Poodle
Owning a dog is not just a privilege; it’s a responsibility. They depend on us for, at minimum, food and shelter, and deserve much more. When you take a dog into your life, you need to understand the commitment that dog ownership entails.
Affectionate With Family
How affectionate a breed is likely to be with family members, or other people he knows well. Some breeds can be aloof with everyone but their owner, while other breeds treat everyone they know like their best friend.
Good With Young Children
A breed's level of tolerance and patience with childrens' behavior, and overall family-friendly nature. Dogs should always be supervised around young children, or children of any age who have little exposure to dogs.
Good With Other Dogs
How generally friendly a breed is towards other dogs. Dogs should always be supervised for interactions and introductions with other dogs, but some breeds are innately more likely to get along with other dogs, both at home and in public.
Shedding Level
How much fur and hair you can expect the breed to leave behind. Breeds with high shedding will need to be brushed more frequently, are more likely to trigger certain types of allergies, and are more likely to require more consistent vacuuming and lint-rolling.
Coat Grooming Frequency
How frequently a breed requires bathing, brushing, trimming, or other kinds of coat maintenance. Consider how much time, patience, and budget you have for this type of care when looking at the grooming effort needed. All breeds require regular nail trimming.
Drooling Level
How drool-prone a breed tends to be. If you're a neat freak, dogs that can leave ropes of slobber on your arm or big wet spots on your clothes may not be the right choice for you.
Coat Type
- Smooth
Canine coats come in many different types, depending on the breed's purpose. Each coat type comes with different grooming needs, allergen potential, and shedding level. You may also just prefer the look or feel of certain coat types over others when choosing a family pet.
Coat Length
- Short
How long the breed's coat is expected to be. Some long-haired breeds can be trimmed short, but this will require additional upkeep to maintain.
Openness To Strangers
How welcoming a breed is likely to be towards strangers. Some breeds will be reserved or cautious around all strangers, regardless of the location, while other breeds will be happy to meet a new human whenever one is around!
Playfulness Level
How enthusiastic about play a breed is likely to be, even past the age of puppyhood. Some breeds will continue wanting to play tug-of-war or fetch well into their adult years, while others will be happy to just relax on the couch with you most of the time.
Watchdog/Protective Nature
A breed's tendency to alert you that strangers are around. These breeds are more likely to react to any potential threat, whether it's the mailman or a squirrel outside the window. These breeds are likely to warm to strangers who enter the house and are accepted by their family.
Adaptability Level
How easily a breed handles change. This can include changes in living conditions, noise, weather, daily schedule, and other variations in day-to-day life.
Trainability Level
How easy it will be to train your dog, and how willing your dog will be to learn new things. Some breeds just want to make their owner proud, while others prefer to do what they want, when they want to, wherever they want!